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A Brief Rundown of my Majick

As a natural psychic: I was in awe of the innate knowledge that flowed through me when I have a deck in my hands or when I was starring at my mothers lace or pattern curtains as a child. Various methods of divination has always held a steady place in my life and in my majick. However, reading tarot cards especially, has been a passion of mine for 30 years. I took the time to self studied for over a decade while reading friends, family and whole parties. This time allowed me to experience the cards in their vast meanings. Their esoteric imagery and meaning has changed the way my everyday mind operates ever since. The study never ends, I continue to read, examine, and explore the many ways tarot cards and oracles can aid us. 

Later in life, 2011, I studied and was certified under Laurie Cabot in her Tarot Class course. I was professionally giving psychic tarot readings publicly in her shop, The Cat, the Crow, and the Crown of Salem, Ma before hand; roughly in 2008-2010. Having once taught her iconic course in 2013.

Even further down my history as an aspiring psychic, I had the chance to operate the Annual Psychic Fair held at the Hawthorne Hotel during the whole month of October in Salem, Ma from 2003-07. Surrounded by Salem’s premiere psychic’s of that time, I was able to watch and learn from the best in the industry...truly a once in a lifetime experience; seeing how gifted psychic ground themselves and subtly blending healing during readings to those need. 

As a High Priestess witch: My path is to aid others through hands-on education, private mentoring, lectures, and workshops. My teachings come from years of personal, familial, ancestral, and trained majickal teachings within my 30 years of practicing witchcraft. My whole life has been centered around my artistic need to express myself and to better understand the hidden forces and information that sought me out though out my life. I’ve had many wonderful teachers, guides (human and not) to credit my array of majickal arts.

Again, I owe my Priesthood to Rev. Laurie Cabot HPs, Salem’s Official Witch, and dear friend. Initiated in June of 2010, I have maintained my ‘Good Standing’ status through my constant dedication and public service to both our Temple and the community at large. My service to the Goddess and Cabot Tradition is ongoing. However, due to our teaching system, I’m only certified to teach Laurie Cabot’s Witchcraft I in the Gloucester area and all states outside of Massachusetts. My local teachings, writing, and mentoring is of my own majick and understanding of the Craft as I have been taught or experienced. Keep in mind, I am a true Cabot Witch and much of my own majick is still shaped and shifted along side my tradition.

I also diligently honor the Sabbats, Esbats (Moon) and Rite of Passage ceremonies of more ancient times and can be easily found in front of an altar.

Ritual writing, Handfasting and Marriage ceremonies, Baby Blessings or “Wiccanings”, as well as the Funeral Rites of Crossing Over into Summerland are all apart of my majickal workings.

As a psychic healer: The Healing Arts have also been with me since childhood. As a psychic empath, I’ve had to train myself to understand the emotions, physical pain, inner dialog, and clairvoyant visions that weren’t coming from me personally. To this day, there are moments where I am stoic as I am overly emotional; much is due to my attempts to balance and understand what it is that I’m feeling vs. what I’m reading.

Through my training as a Cabot Witch, over the last decade I now have a better understand of how to diagnose, send healing light-energy, and clear myself of the unwanted ‘residue’. These practices I take very seriously and do so nearly daily; I also can assist anyone who asks.

Over time, I’ve built up on my healing art practices, making them more effective then ever. I’ve been wishing to share my methods, and the opportunity came when I co-taught a Healing Majick workshop with Laurie Cabot this Summer. It is said the Healing is prime majick that witches do. I sure hope that is true.

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